3 Months Ago

To give you some context—

I am a wife, mother of three, entrepreneur, creative, speaker, and gardener. As many of you know, over the past year, I’ve been experiencing some confusing health issues that have thrown me completely off. They have changed me. I am learning a lot along the way and have gained many insights about life, relationships, raising children, and taking care of myself. I decided to share my thoughts as I process them... In Real Time.

In this entry, I want to discuss fear and overthinking specifically. I’ll use myself as the example—allow me to be our case study. Lol

May 6th, 2024-

Sometimes, I let my mind get the best of me (it is something that I am actively working on). In this case, it is regarding my health. Something I’ve learned through this process is that overthinking can make you question everything about yourself, including whether you’re doing enough, and sometimes fearing that what you are doing isn't working. This type of resistance can hinder your healing. It can make you believe that you need to do more or need more to achieve the end result when, in reality, you are equipped with everything you need to transform the outcome—or in my case, heal physically and mentally.

When dealing with health issues, it is very easy to become a hypochondriac, which ultimately can lead to living in a state of fear. I have had many mishealth diagnosises and alit of confusion around my health. So this resulted in major anxiety, that I've had to learn to control. You constantly feel like something may come up. I had to learn to truly surrender to the process. The body is just telling me that there is something deeper going on.

The Problem With Living in a State of Fear

Let’s talk about energy... We know that all things are energy, and if we live in a constant state of fear, we will attract things that also reside in that state. In other words, our daily thoughts, language, and beliefs will determine the frequency or constant state that we live in, and our lives will mirror that.

Although it felt like I had no control, I realized that I do have control over my mood, my reactions, and my approach to life. Even when things felt chaotic, I don't have to attach myself to that chaos. I can allow myself to feel what I am feeling and have faith that everything will work out in my favor. In fact, I believe that training my brain to believe that everything will work out has shifted my outcome.

A go-to affirmation has been, "I am in control of all outcomes."

I used this affirmation because it reminded me that, regardless of what doctors said, I was in control of how I processed the information and responded. I learned the beauty of intuition and self-trust. As we navigate life, we often place ourselves in situations that can make us lose trust in ourselves. Once you lose trust in yourself, it’s hard to trust your own decision-making. And it's hard to believe that you can heal your own body. We question our abilities, like, "Do I really have the ability to heal myself?" The answer is yes.

Your body responds to what you believe.

I had to take a deep breath, stop overthinking, and fully surrender. It hit me! I am doing it. I can get caught up in “I need to do this” or “I need to do that.” I always want to do more, better, and faster. But I realized that...

I just had fear that it wouldn’t work.

I am already doing it. I’m not perfect, but I am doing it. I have changed my diet, tried many therapies, and am not afraid to try, learn, and improve. I have to just remain consistent and keep track of my results. Acknowledge when I am feeling good, do things that make me feel good, and appreciate my body for all that it's been through.   
If you are anything like me, someone who has a desire for more, always wanting to be a better person, learn more, and do more, you may find yourself overthinking and doubting whether you are doing enough. This is because your mind is so expansive. Once you know what needs to be to done, you can't un-know. & You will do anything it takes to accomplish the result but remember to: 

Take a moment to breathe and recognize your efforts.

You are doing it. We are doing it.

Embrace the journey.  



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