Life Keeps Moving
When tragedy is upon us… the truth is… life keeps moving. This was a hard realization that I had when I was at the lowest of my low. & Life kept going.. My friends and family would check in, but once the conversation ended, they went back on to their life. My babies still had school, & their assignments were still due, my husband & I still had a business to run, and through the tears was still expected to tend to my responsibilities.
You see, a lot of the times when we are face to face with something traumatic, our world feels like it stops, and it likely does. It becomes a literal traumatic imprint in our lives that we feel like we can't move out of, and sometimes we get stuck in. It can feel like our world is coming to an end. BUT life keeps going.
This has taught me the power of truly letting go and surrendering to the situation. I remember a time where I couldn't listen to anyone's opinion or guidance, because at times they would come from an energy of pity rather than empowerment, which led me to feel worse. BC the answers I was looking for wasn't in anyone else, and at times we search outside of ourselves for answers, that are really WITHIN.
During this time, I remember having a conversation with a wise woman (an elder), and I asked her how did you juggle keeping yourself together, running a household and maintaining a social life etc. & She said "I had the faith the size of a mustard seed". & Remember when I initially heard this, I was like "ughhhhhhhh really? That's it."
But in retrospect faith was my guiding force. Faith that God was guiding me and truly leading the way. Faith in myself, and knowing I can overcome anything. Faith in my knowledge. Faith in my body.
Many people talk about surrender but still want control. Still obsessing and trying to figure out the why, how, rather than listening to the guidance. This is called resistance. When there is resistance to what is being told, we block out the guidance. Surrender & truly letting go, is so powerful because we no longer allow the situation to consume us and it puts us in a place of flow.
It may not always make sense, but when you look back, it was all divinely orchestrated. That painful moment was still a stepping stone that molded you into the future. Although painful, it's still a step. & sometimes that's what we have to do is take things one step at a time. I remember during my dark times I would see angel numbers 1234, and for me that translated to taking things one step at a time.
This is a lesson I try to teach my children…. There are things that can never ever be taken from us, and that is who and what we are within. We can lose it all, but it's the intangible things that make us who we are at our core. Our faith, love, humor, personality, our character, morals , values, and optimism, that will shape our outcomes.
These are uncomfortable times for many, but in the midst of the uncomfortability it is an opportunity to shape you into the warrior that you are. I also know the feeling of being tired of having to be the warrior, but the warrior remains courageous and won't give up in the midst of chaos. BC the warrior has purpose beyond what you can imagine.
So much love to you all!